Soberlink: Providing Safety When Mom or Dad Abuses Alcohol
Is Your Child Safe During Parenting Time with Your Ex?
When alcohol abuse is present, the thought of kids spending time alone with the parent who drinks can feel scary. Now that our world is becoming more remote and alcohol consumption is on the rise during the COVID-19 crisis, safety becomes even more of a concern. That’s why I want to introduce you to Soberlink – the remote alcohol monitoring solution. Soberlink combines a breathalyzer, reporting, and facial recognition to make parenting time safe for everyone. Several recent clients have incorporated Soberlink into their parenting orders and now they’re able to rest easy when their children spend time with the other parent.
If you’re thinking about divorce, check out some free resources to help you get ready. Now, please read on for more info from the folks at Soberlink…
Soberlink Alcohol Monitoring for Improved Child Safety in a Remote World
- The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated binge drinking across the country, indicating higher stress levels across the population.
- Parents affected by alcohol abuse who are transitioning into a remote world may worry about the safety and well-being of their child or children.
- Remote alcohol monitoring may be an ideal option for the remote lifestyle, affording benefits that traditional alcohol monitoring techniques lack.
- The comprehensive Soberlink system provides remote alcohol monitoring to meet the demands of an increasingly remote world.
COVID-19 and Alcohol Abuse
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, embracing a remote lifestyle has taken precedence for many people across the country. According to a Nulab survey, people who recently made the transition from an office to work-from-home vary in levels of preparedness and efficiency across the board. Like many aspects of 2020, this new normal has caught many people off guard and without a blueprint.
Simultaneously, lock-down orders, closed businesses, and the inability to safely visit family or friends means that many are turning to technology to connect with others. While video-chats and phone calls alleviate some of this pent-up frustration, they are hardly a substitute for connecting with one’s community.
While it is safe to say that everyone has been affected by the pandemic in some capacity, people who suffer from alcohol abuse may find this time especially challenging. As pandemic stressors continue to weigh on the collective psyche, binge drinking continues to rise. Parents affected by alcohol abuse are likely to agree that the need for safe, responsible alcohol consumption and monitoring are important now more than ever.
Alcohol Abuse and Child Safety
While parents are taking on their own set of challenges presented by the pandemic, children are also undergoing significant changes in their normal lives. Schools across the country have, to varying degrees, endured prolonged shut-downs followed by brief or spotty re-openings and have incorporated fully or partially remote learning curriculums as a result. As more children find themselves at home, parents affected by alcohol abuse may fear that the transition to a remote lifestyle, coupled with pandemic stressors, may put their child’s safety at risk.
A co-parent’s excessive alcohol consumption can result in impaired judgment, increased aggression, lack of restraint, mental confusion, and decreased coordination. Exhibiting any of these symptoms around a child can cause lasting physical, psychological, or emotional harm. For this reason, it is important for parents affected by alcohol abuse to monitor their consumption, especially as our world becomes increasingly more remote.
Alcohol Monitoring in a Remote World
Changes in everyday routines have been one of the biggest obstacles brought about by the pandemic. This is especially true for parents with substance abuse tendencies who may have relied on their old routines to stay healthy and sober. Unfortunately, these individuals are more likely to undergo a relapse in the absence of routines that reinforce accountability and responsibility. As we continue to transition into a remote world, these individuals may withdraw from such measures and become prone to relapse. It is important to address this possibility early on by establishing new norms, habits, and routines that will replace old measures in keeping an individual healthy.
Traditional alcohol monitoring techniques have likewise undergone upheavals due to the pandemic. Many of these techniques require leaving home to undergo testing or to receive a copy of their lab results. These testing procedures can often take a significant period of time to schedule, complete, and produce the lab results, even before COVID took hold. As the pandemic began to settle in, many of these processes were delayed further as shut-down orders, discrepancies about what industries qualify as essential businesses, and what safety regulations needed to go into effect further disrupted them. As COVID case numbers continue to rise, leaving home to get this testing becomes increasingly riskier for patients’ health, as well as the health of their families.
The Soberlink Alcohol Monitoring System
Due to advancements in technology, parents struggling with alcohol abuse can now monitor from the comfort of their own home. The Soberlink system is a comprehensive take on remote alcohol monitoring, combining a professional-grade breathalyzer with wireless connectivity. This means that users can test from anywhere and receive their results instantly.
Soberlink also comes equipped with facial recognition technology to ensure that remote testing can take place free of user identity errors or device tampering. To use the system, the testing component will register a user’s BAC, send the results to Soberlink’s cloud-based management software, and then inform all Concerned Parties of the user’s test results instantly.
Soberlink’s remote testing services have been used in Family Law for a decade. Deemed ‘The Experts in Remote Monitoring Technology™ by industry leaders, the system offers parents the ability to continue their alcohol monitoring undisrupted, replacing old alcohol monitoring methods with a remote alternative to help keep them accountable. This also means that clients need not unnecessarily expose themselves to COVID by leaving home to get tested while protecting their own health and their family’s health at the same time.
In situations where a co-parent is concerned about their child’s safety, intuitive technology provides peace of mind that their loved one is safe. Meeting the demands of an increasingly remote world, Soberlink improves child safety environments by ensuring safer co-parenting arrangements for families struggling with alcohol abuse.
Let’s Keep Your Kids Safe
Many clients worry about their kids being exposed to alcohol, drugs, or porn if they get divorced and have to share parenting time. I get it – those are legitimate fears. Let’s get together and talk through the pros and cons and what safeguards you may be able to put in place to protect your children from harm. Whether it’s Soberlink, strict boundaries, or giving your kids information and agency…let’s address your fears so you can be free.
Wishing you strength, wisdom, and safety,