Work. Kids. Divorce. Co-Parenting with You Know Who?

Divorce Support Group
If you’re tired of going it alone or trying to find your way through those huge online forums, then this is your alternative.
The Divorce Support Groups will be limited to 5-8 women and might be right for you if you:
- Are a working professional
- You think you might be divorcing a narcissist
- Recently divorced or are in the process of divorce
- Are trying to figure out how you will co-parent with a high-conflict person
- Experienced betrayal or emotional abuse in your marriage
Interested? Complete and submit the application below so we can match you with the perfect group. Once approved, you’ll be asked to make an initial 8-session commitment for just $320. You and your new BFF’s will agree on a start date within 2 weeks and we’ll starting turning that pain into power – together!
Looking for something else? Go ahead and fill out the application and let me know what kind of women you’d like to meet.