Mediation Tips You Won’t Get From Your Attorney

I love mediation. Mediation is an proven alternative dispute resolution (ADR) process and can help you avoid all the expenses associated with contested divorce, attorneys, and litigation. But if you…

Best Advice I Ever Got: Stop Being So Nice

If you’re tired of always giving in, backing down and staying quiet, then let’s talk about how to stop being so nice. For generations, women have been taught that speaking…

The #1 Divorce Fear That Keeps Women Stuck

Money. Not enough money. I’ll just go ahead and say it right upfront. The number one divorce fear that keeps women tethered to unhealthy, unhappy relationships is being afraid they…

Why Are Hard Decisions So Hard?

A day is made up of hundreds of small decisions. What to wear, buy, eat, watch, or say. Burger or salad? NetFlix or Hulu? Sneakers or sandals? For some people,…

Divorce Money Mistakes: Throwing in the Towel

It’s exhausting. Maybe you’re worn down by the conflict, the threats, financial stress, the mounting legal bills or the drawn out court procedures. That’s the time when you’re most vulnerable…