Should I stay or should I go?
Can I trust they won’t cheat again?
How can I be sure I’ve tried hard enough?
Is it better for the kids to live like this?
Will I be able to support myself if I get divorced?
Where do I even start?
Should I try to keep the house?
Is this settlement offer fair?
What kind of job can I get after all these years?
- How will I ever get over all the anger?

This was my face even thinking about divorce.
It involves a lot of BIG decisions with BIG consequences.
I stayed for years thinking that somehow, someday things would magically improve. I knew my marriage was in deep trouble but had no idea what the problem was. Finally, I discovered the real core issues and realized I couldn’t do anything at all to fix them.
I was afraid. I worried about my kids, money, how I’d support myself, what friends and family would think.
And then, once I finally decided to leave, I made my divorce harder and more expensive than it had to be…
To give you what I didn’t have. So you can take action instead of creating more regrets. A way to break through the indecision and get clear about what’s right for you. Maybe you need:
- Tools and confidence to get back in there and fight for the fairy tale ending
- Clarity, courage, and language to finally tell your spouse it’s over
- Divorce support and practical information to make settlement choices today that don’t compromise your future
Don’t let fear hold you back from making the changes you need to make to start creating the life you deserve. I always say that knowledge is the antidote to fear, so let me help you conquer your fears with tools, skills and the right information.
“I wish I’d had you when I was going through divorce. There was so much I didn’t know about the process, about how to handle my emotions, and about how to make strategic decisions. I’m recommending you to any friend thinking about divorce.”
Sue, real estate agent
“My husband controlled every single penny in our household so I knew NOTHING about money and finances. Debra worked with me to sort through and understand the numbers, create a budget, and get a realistic picture of what life after divorce could look like. She helped me punch fear in the face.”
Darleen, homeschooling mom
Your Life is Waiting...It's Time to Get Unstuck

I learned the hard way so you don’t have to.
- I doubted my own worthiness and resilience
- I stayed too long out of fear and indecision
- I made divorce mistakes that cost me oodles of money
- I let other people manipulate me and wreck my peace of mind.
Honestly, I was a hot mess and made a ton of mistakes.
I don’t want you to settle for less. I don’t want you to shrink back from asking for what you need in your relationship. I don’t ever want you to be afraid to leave an unhealthy marriage because you feel guilty or powerless. And I sure don’t want you making divorce mistakes that cost you time, money and emotional energy that you could be spending on building your new life.
My Experience and Credentials (because that stuff matters)
If I were you, I’d want to know that the person I’m working with had the right training and experience to help me sort through these life-changing decisions. I’ve made all the hard decisions you’re facing and have done the hard work to recover after a high-conflict divorce.
I’ve been through 2 divorces and have been a single parent, co-parent, and a blended family (Yea, it was a lot!) And I’ve gotten the education to be prepared to guide you through the emotional, legal and financial aspects of divorce (I even own a super nerdy financial calculator). Here are a few things you might want to know:
- CDC Certified Divorce Coach®
- Certified Divorce Financial Analysts®
- Ohio Supreme Court trained family and divorce mediator
- DCA Pre-Meditation Divorce Coach
- DCA Divorce Conflict Coach
- Member of the ABA Dispute Resolution Section
- Continue to pursue continuing education in betrayal, trauma and intimate partner abuse
- Committed to saving marriages when possible
- Teach, train, and mentor other professional divorce coaches through Divorce Coaches Academy and the CDC Certified Divorce Coach program

I may not seem as exciting as some other people you see here on the internet – and I’m OK with that. I don’t skydive, rock climb or run marathons. I do make a mean apple pie and some pretty tasty buttercream icing. I will, however, confess to an unhealthy addiction to coffee and rescuing cats. This is Pete, a feral cat from the neighborhood that now frequently naps in my office while I talk with clients.
My kids are adults and are out in the world, being happy and successful and doing their thing. This makes me incredibly proud because while I screwed around not deciding, they got hurt and it could have knocked them down. But they didn’t let it.
I Want You to Know That Help for Hard Decisions is Here.
Can I just say congrats if you’re still reading? That means you’re serious about deciding not to stay where you are. And that’s true courage in my book. I get that it’s scary. Any big decision is.
If you’ve been afraid to make that decision or you’re feeling buried by the sheer number of decisions you need to make…
It’s what I do every day for clients just like you that are overwhelmed and looking for answers. Schedule a Complimentary 30-minute Consultation. Let’s chat about what kinds of decisions are getting you down and how working with a coach can help.
Ditch fear and indecision. Get clear, get confident and get on with your life.
Protect yourself and know what to expect.
High-Conflict Divorce for Women: Your Guide to Coping Skills and Legal Strategies for All Stages of Divorce
My new book is full of practical strategies, helpful scripts, and realistic advice on how to navigate and cope with high-conflict divorce.
From understanding the legalities of divorce, to developing a post-divorce budget, and more, this book offers a wide range of strategies to help you get through each stage of divorce (before , during and after). Discover tips for emotional and physical self-care, plus ways to mitigate stress. There’s a light at the end of this winding tunnel.